February 15, 2025

Dispensary Review: Maggie’s Farm

September 28, 2014 Oskar Thompson 1

Editor’s Note: Though recreational weed has been legal and available in the state of Colorado since the new year, the city of Colorado Springs refuses to allow the sale of non-medical pot within its limits.

Hotbox The Earth

May 10, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Have you ever fantasized about getting the entire world high? A lot of people do. But fuck giving everybody a joint; way too much work. A more effective method would be to hotbox the entire

Dispensary Review: B*Good

April 14, 2014 Alibi Pierce 1

I’d been pretty happy at my current dispensary. The flowers are great quality, and–as a member–I get $25 eighths every weekend. Actually, stopping in is always one of the highlights of my week; the staff

Pot Vending Machine Mania!

April 13, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

Pot vending machines! They’re here. And everybody is writing about it. And let’s be honest: It’s a pretty cool idea. Stoners everywhere getting their weed from the same machine they buy their munchies! Of course,

Weed Roundup!

January 20, 2014 Alibi Pierce 0

In our last Weed Roundup we gave you tips on where to go to find the news you needed to know about the implementation of recreational pot sales in Colorado. This go around, we have

Weed Roundup!

January 8, 2014 Alibi Pierce 1

I considered covering the first day of legalized recreational pot sales. Having been up all night celebrating the dawn of a new year, though, and looking out my window to see snow billowing and ice

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