July 27, 2024

Rodney Cromwell — Fax Message Breakup


London’s Rodney Cromwell is out with a new single following up on his critically acclaimed debut album Age of Anxiety. The track, Fax Message Breakup (Happy Robots Records), is a dark four minutes of lo-fi new wave four-on-the-floor dance beats and self-loathing lyrics.

Think: New Order b-side discovered and remastered by Golden Boy circa 2001.

With a commiserative hook lamenting “I can’t do this anymore/I don’t know what it’s for,” Cromwell’s promo material reminds us of “a miserable year that has seen the passing of loved musical artists, disruption and political upheavals,” and that “the melancholia of Fax Message Breakup is very much of the zeitgeist; a paean to despair and defeat with an incessant disco beat…it is perhaps the perfect soundtrack for 2016.”

The paid version of the EP (about $5USD) features four impressive remixes, including one from Stereolab’s Morgane Lhote AKA Hologram Teen, who brings her signature weird French Dimitri from Paris style house sensibility to the track–funky and glitchy.

Head on over to Cromwell’s Bandcamp, though, to check out the original version of the track (embedded below) and listen to the post-rock re-imagining by Cassiopeia available for free preview…then buy it.

Find Rodney Cromwell on Facebook and Twitter.

About Alibi Pierce 193 Articles
Curates Noise Journal

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