July 26, 2024

Review: Vampires — Every Kind of Light

Vampires Every Kind of Light Artwork EP

After our write-up of Living Hour, another indie act out of Winnipeg caught our attention. Vampires consists of the duo David Dobbs and Matthew Powers playing guitar and drums (respectively); both share credit for vocals. Their latest EP, Every Kind of Light, is a thrashed-out post-rock romp through a noise-jungle inhabited by the ghosts of Brand New, Bayside, and Jeff Suffering.

While the first track, Not Waiting ’till Fall, lures you in with angst and melody, Riff Rise, the second on the EP, is–as advertised–an instrumental track that builds and builds into a crescendo of layered riffs. Emotion, intensity, and a unique melodic sensibility shine through the heavy-low-end production, and There’s No Kissing Anymore closes out the EP with filtered vocal authority.

Check Vampires out on Bandcamp, and find them on Facebook and Twitter. In the meantime, you can stream the whole EP below.

About Alibi Pierce 193 Articles
Curates Noise Journal

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