July 26, 2024

Frankie Knuckles: R.I.P.

Frankie Knuckles

Frankie Knuckles, “The Godfather of House,” died yesterday at 59, and nothing can be said here that isn’t being written beautifully by people much smarter and way more knowledgable than me all over the internet. That the outpouring of grief and admiration has been so strong and widespread (even The Economist wrote an obit) is evidence of his appeal and influence.

Hell, the man created house music. What I know is that the music I love, the places I go, the life I live would not exist without this man’s talent. An entire culture would have been lost.

So this space is for him.


-Alibi Pierce

About Alibi Pierce 193 Articles
Curates Noise Journal

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  1. Celebrate the Legacy: Frankie Knuckles Day | thehundred.co

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